Shadowhunters: Netflix Up

Episode 9 is here. Well, it’s been here and gone and we’re now on ep 12. I’ve had a lot of uni deadlines, so that’s my excuse for the slow updates.

Also, because we’ve broken up for the Easter holidays, I won’t be able to watch episodes 11 through 13 until mid-April, because I watch it with my Netflix-account-holding housemates. I have a review for episode 10 to write up but after that it’ll be a couple of weeks before the next one.

Spoilers under the cut.
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RC’16: A Young Adult Bestseller

Book: City of Bones
Author: Cassandra Clare
First published: 2007

So, because I started watching the Netflix series Shadowhunters, which is based on The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare, my housemates insisted that I read the books – which, according to them, are much better than the TV show. It just so happens that City of Bones TMI Book 1 – is a YA bestseller, so I was like, ‘Huh, I can read this for the challenge’ and gave in.

Summary: Clary Fray bumps into a group of Shadowhunters at a club, and when her mother goes missing, ends up falling into their world. As she tries to save her mother, she finds and loses friends, love and family.

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RC’16: A Book You Haven’t Read Since Primary School

Book: The Suitcase Kid
Author: Jacqueline Wilson
First published: 1992

I changed this challenge slightly – it was a book you haven’t read since high school, but since it’s only almost 4 years since I left high school, I thought I’d go for primary instead. Although I do want to read Holes again, because I haven’t read that since Year 8. Anyway, I read a lot of Jacqueline Wilson books when I was younger, and this wasn’t technically a book that I read for school, but I did read it during my primary school years.

Summary: When Andrea’s parents get divorced, she decides she wants to spend one week with her Mum and one week with her Dad – although all she really wants is to be back at home with both her parents and her Sylvanian rabbit, Radish.

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RC’16: A Book About A Culture You’re Unfamiliar With

Book: Gabi, A Girl In Pieces
Author: Isabel Quintero
First published: 2014

I wasn’t sure about this one – I think I found it through a list of more diverse books (in terms of author/character) on Tumblr once, and added it to my Goodreads to-read shelf. Then when I was looking for books for this Reading Challenge, I thought, eh, why not?

Summary: Gabi Hernandez is in her final year at high school, and she has to deal with everything life throws at her – friends’ pregnancies, comings out, her dad’s drug addiction, and finding a boyfriend.

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