Linguistish: Phonation Phonahtion

So because I am a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad person, this is my first Linguistish post in donkeys years, and for that I profusely apologise. This is actually a revision thing for me, as I have a phonetics exam coming up and need to understand how phonation works, so I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone and everything.

I also have now watched all of Shadowhunters, so I have some reviews of that to do. Hurrah!

On with the post.

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Twenty Nine Things I Learnt In My First Year At Uni

September 1st: the day people who are anything like me start panicking about going to uni, and wondering if being packed up since the middle of August was enough preparation.

I don’t feel like I know very much in the grand scheme of things, but I did manage to survive my first year of university, so I thought I’d impart some wisdom. I got the idea of sharing from this Tumblr post I saw at just the right time last year. It stopped me worrying so much I even printed it off and pinned it on my pin board when I moved in to my room.

It goes without saying that my experience – I was in self-catered halls at a campus uni in the UK – won’t be the same as someone else’s. But hopefully if you’re flapping about moving somewhere new, this list might help, even just a little bit.

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