All Cakes Are Created Tasty, But Some Are More Tasty Than Others

I guess this is supposed to be a ‘hello and welcome and please like me’ post as it’s my first, but what better way to make people like you than with cake?

Thank you cupcakes

Thank you most kindly for paying me attention

These cupcakes were made for my aunt as a thank you (could you tell?) using a sticky toffee recipe from The Hummingbird Bakery’s Cake Days book. It’s great for a range of non-run-of-the-mill bakes and the cover is a very pretty colour which is, of course, the only thing that matters when buying anything, right?

Not that I’m plugging or anything, but you can buy the book here, if you’re interested in such things.

My next cake venture came a few days later with the trial run of a gradient cake I will attempt again next week (are we really going to be in September already?! On another note, I love the interrobang (?!) and I love its name. It will undoubtedly feature lots) and it will look much more pretty.

Having made this cake, and having watched the Great British Bake Off last night, I just want to bake my way to calorie heaven.

To keep this post short and sweet I’ll end it here. At least it gets that awkward first hurrah into the world of web-logging (of which blog is a clipping; thank you, £9000 Linguistics degree!) over and done with!